Pinterest Product Pins: How to Optimize Your E-Commerce Business’ Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest Marketing for e-Commerce businesses

In the blog, I am sharing tips to create great Pinterest Product Pins for your e-Commerce business so you can grow leads and sales on Pinterest.


If you know me, you know I am a big believer in Pinterest for Business and I talk a lot about how to use Pinterest for a Business. It's a great way to market your business to a larger audience and find new leads and make more sales.

While many of us know Pinterest as a great place to plan our next project, look up new recipes, or plan an event, it is also a powerful search engine platform that can be used for marketing your e-Commerce Business.

Pinterest for E-Commerce Tips 1

Pinterest offers e-Commerce Shops the opportunity to grow brand awareness, and generate leads and more sales with its many shopping and selling features.

One of the most important things an e-Commerce brand can do is to create great product pins on Pinterest. Pinterest is a visual search engine so providing scroll-stopping visuals that have been optimized for search will help brands show up in their ideal customer’s searches.

What are Pinterest Product Pins?

Pinterest Product Pins are a type of Pin that includes your product's metadata (specific information about the product) and is formatted to clearly show they are shoppable. They include the current price, availability, product title, and description from your online shop. I share a bit more below about these Pinterest Rich Pins.

Product Pins make shopping on Pinterest easy. They ensure that your potential customer is seeing the most current information about your products.

Image for a blog about how to create Pinterest product pins for your e-commerce business.

What is the difference between a Catalog Product Pin and an Optimized Product Pin?

Product Pins are pins that are linked to and sell a specific product. Pinterest users will find two types of Product Pins: Those that were generated from the e-Commerce Store's Product Catalogs, as well as custom-created Optimized Product Pins.

Catalog Product Pins are generated automatically when Pinterest ingests an e-Commerce business's product catalog. They are typically square and show a picture from the shop's product listing on their website.

Optimized Product Pins are created and posted manually. These pins are optimized for image, size, SEO, and product pin best practices (details below).

You may hear Product Pins also referred to as Pinterest Buyable Pins or Shoppable Pins.

Product Pins Best Practices

Product pins are an effective way to promote your products online. They can increase your shop and product's visibility and will encourage more clicks to shop on your website. Follow these tips to create great Optimized Product Pins for your e-Commerce Shop on Pinterest.

Create Pins in the Optimized Sizing for Pinterest

E-Commerce Catalog Pins that are created automatically by Pinterest will be square. When creating your own product pins, use the correct, optimized sizing for Pinterest. The correct sizing is:

  • 2:3 Ratio

  • Verticle in Orientation

  • 1000 pixels x 1500 pixels for Standard Pins

  • 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels for Idea Pins

Write Keyword Rich, SEO optimized Pin Titles, Descriptions, and Text Overlay

SEO and Keywords are incredibly important on Pinterest. As a search engine, Pinterest uses your keywords to match your content with the correct audience. (You can learn more about keyword research in these blogs HERE and HERE).

When creating Optimized Product Pins, include keywords in the following areas:

  • Text Overlay (the descriptive text added directly on the Pin image)

  • The Pin Title

  • The Pin Description

Use a variety of Pin formats

Try creating a variety of Pins in different formats. Try static pins and video. And make sure you are using both Standard and Idea Pins (while Idea Pins don't link to a product directly, you can add a product tag to your Idea Pin. Read more about that HERE).

Variety is important because you never know what will catch a viewer's eye. Different styles appeal to different people so it's a great idea to offer your product pins in a few different pin formats.

Create Lifestyle Image Pins

This tip is important. Shoppers want to imagine what your product will look like in real life, in their life.

If you are selling a physical product, show it in use, in a natural setting. Show it from multiple views and perspectives. This helps your potential customer envision the product in their life.

Lifestyle images can be a bit more difficult for digital products, but it's not impossible. Get creative, print pages, and show them as a flatlay on a desk. Or show an individual using the product on their computer.

Your goal in creating e-Commerce product pins is to make pins that reflect your ideal customer's lifestyle and your product being used in their real life. You want to allow them to feel what it would be like to own or use your product.

Remember, Pinterest is a place people go to plan and be inspired. Lifestyle images on your Product Pins will help with this.

Image for a blog about how to create Pinterest product pins for your e-commerce business.

Add a Call To Action on the Product Pin

You should always try to use a great call to action on your pins. Calls to Action will clearly tell viewers what action you would like them to take. On product pins, this is extra important. Add a CTA on product pages that encourage viewers to take action. You could try CTAs like:

  • Shop Now

  • Click to Learn More

  • Get Access Now

  • Buy Now

  • Or get creative, how can you ask your customer to take action on your Pin.

Add Product Tags to Pins

In addition to creating product pins that link directly to the product in your e-Commerce Shop, you can Tag products in lifestyle images or collage Pins. This is different than the product pins we have talked about above but is a great way to invite viewers to shop your products.

When creating a lifestyle pin or a round-up style pin (which has multiple product images on it), you can tag your products right on the pin. These pins may link to a blog post or a collection page on your online shop website. When you tag products on these pins and someone sees your pin, they can click the product tag and shop that product on your website. And, since it's not leading to a specific product, you can add multiple tags (for different products in the pin) to the same pin.

Enable Rich Pins

Be sure to enable rich pins on your online shop. This allows Pinterest and your website to talk so that your product pins stay up to date. This will ensure your price, availability and other data about your products is current. You can CLICK HERE to read more about Rich Pins in the blog.

Conclusion about Pinterest Product Pins

Pinterest Product Pins will help increase sales in your online shop. By adding Optimized Product Pins, your products will be seen by a larger audience.

Pinterest users are ready to buy. They come to Pinterest knowing what they are looking for. When you do great keyword research and follow the other tips here in the blog for your e-Commerce Product Pins, you will have a better opportunity to show up when your ideal customer searches for what you offer.



Idea Pins for e-Commerce Brands: How to Increase Sales Using Idea Pins


How to add Product Tags and Affiliate Links to Pinterest Pins