How to Enable Pinterest Rich Pins Fast!

This blog details how to enable Pinterest Rich Pins Fast and explains why you should have rich pins on your Pinterest Business Account!

You’ve heard of Pinterest Rich Pins but wonder what’s all of the fuss is about! In this blog post, I am going to share the basics about Rich Pins, what they are, how you get them and why you should try them!

Like my other Blog Posts, my goal is to give you the basics! When I was a small shop owner just learning Pinterest, I felt like there was so much to learn. I want to make sure to provide my readers some basic tips to help clear up some of the confusion. Hope you find it helpful! So onto those Pinterest Rich Pins!


What are Pinterest Rich Pins?

Rich Pins are a type of Pin that automatically syncs information from your website back to your Pin. You can identify Rich Pins because they have bold titles and extra information when you click for a close up. They really are pretty cool. One of the amazing benefits of a Rich Pin is that when you change something on your website, your Rich Pins on Pinterest will automatically update. No more worries about changing inventory, price, blog post title or description. Once you have enabled Rich Pins, Pinterest will help you out and make those updates for you!

Even better, Rich Pins are FREE to use and anyone with a Pinterest Business Account can get them.


Before You Enable Rich Pins

There are a few easy steps you need to complete before you can apply for Rich Pins. Easy but necessary!

  • Pinterest Business Account. This one may seem obvious to some BUT, it’s an important detail. You must have a Pinterest Business Account to enable Rich Pins. If you don’t have a business account, you can easily convert your personal account or create a new business account. I will link below my blog post about creating a Pinterest Business Account in case you need some tips!

  • Claim your Website - You need to claim your website on your Pinterest Account. By claiming your website, you are helping Pinterest verify that your website is real and is a legitimate site that you will be linking to. I will talk a little more about this later in the blog.

  • Metadata - Make sure your website contains the required metadata to allow Pinterest and your website to talk. Each platform is a little different. For example, Squarespace doesn’t require any extra work, it is set up already. For Wordpress you can use a Yoast plug in. Do a little research to be sure your website platform has the necessary metadata. Pinterest Help provides a detailed explanation about how to do this and what needs to be added to your site.


Types of Rich Pins

There are actually 4 types of Rich Pins. Product, Article, Recipe and App. In this blog we are going to talk about the first three as they are the most used.

  • Product Rich Pins - Product pins include the most up to date info about your products. They will include real time pricing, availability and product information from your website right on your Pin! Not only do you get the info you add to your pin in the Title and Description but ALSO, the information that is pulled from your website. And, the data is updated on your Pin when it changes on your Website. Amazing!

  • Recipe Rich Pins - Recipe pins add your recipe title, serving size, cook time, and ratings, diet preference and a list of ingredients for the recipe. All of this is pulled from your website. Personally I love Recipe Rich Pins when I am searching for a new recipe. Seeing that little extra bit of info and the list of ingredients helps me to decide if I am interested in the recipe, even before I click to go to the website.

  • Article Rich Pins - Article pins add the headline or title from your blog (or article), the description you have listed on your website and the author of the article (if listed on your website). Need to update the title of your blog post? No problem, with Rich Pins, this will automatically update on your pins!

Article Rich Pin.png

The Benefits of Rich Pins

Using Rich Pins will enhance your Pinterest Account and help Pinterest match your pins to searchers. The benefits of Rich Pins include:

  • Additional Information - your pins will include more information. This includes information from your website. This is information that will provide even more keywords and information about your content.

  • Rich Pin information is updated when you update your content on your website. No need to worry about your pins having old or outdated information.

  • Your Pin will have a bold title in the Pinterest feed. This feature is eye catching and will allow viewers a greater chance to see you.

  • There is a follow button right inside your pin’s close up. This is an easy way or new viewers to follow you!


Easy Steps to Enable Rich Pins

  • Claim your Website - I said earlier that you need to claim your website on Pinterest. This will allow Pinterest and your website to talk and will let Pinterest know your website is legitimate. Claim your website is easy.

    • Under Settings on your Pinterest Account select Claim

    • Click the CLAIM button next to website

    • Pinterest will send you instructions to add code to your website. It’s easy. Sometimes when you hear CODE it sounds scary, but don’t stress it. Usually it’s a small bit of code added to your site’s header code. Pinterest gives you great instructions in the help section if you run into any issues. Once claimed and approved, you will be able to apply for Rich Pins.

  • Rich Pin Validator - The next step is to apply for Rich Pins using the Rich Pin Validator. Head over to the Pinterest Developers Pin Validator CLICK HERE. Copy and paste a URL from your website into the Pin Validator box. You can select any page where you have added the metadata (I used a blog page). Click Validate.

If everything has been set up correctly, you will see a Congratulations message stating that your Rich Pins have been approved and are on Pinterest. If you are just applying, you will receive a message that your Rich Pins have been validated and you will click apply. Pinterest will take about 24 hours to review your application once you apply. Once approved, all content from your website that has the correct metadata tags, will appear as Rich Pins when you create a new pin.

Also great, you only have to do this once! Once your page has been validated, you are all set!


In Conclusion

Pinterest Rich Pins is a great feature! I suggest if you can add it, you should. Try them out! Rich Pins will help your Pinterest viewer learn even more about your content!

Note: There are some sites that don’t work with Rich Pins. These are sites where you don’t own the domain or have control over the site’s metadata, sites like Etsy or Amazon for example. Keep in mind, even with these sites you can still create product pins that link to your site! You just won’t get all of the Rich Pin features.



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