Pinterest Marketing for Small Business

You may ask…why should I use Pinterest for my small business? Isn’t Pinterest just a place to search pretty pictures and find inspiration? Well, yes, there are lots of beautiful images on Pinterest. But, it is also an amazing place to find solutions to problems and issues. And guess what…you and your small business, can be right there to help people solve their problem!


When I started my own e-commerce home decor and gift shop, I did all the things…I created a lovely website (I think so at least), I read and watched and learned everything I could about online business, marketing, strategy, social media, everything I could think of.

I used Instagram and Facebook and my friends to spread the word. Sales and blog traffic came in waves based on what I had posted that day, or if someone was sharing something I was talking about. Please, don’t get me wrong, those are great ways to get the word out about your small business. And you should keep doing those things.


But, when I started using PINTEREST to market my e-commerce shop and blog….that’s when it all changed!


Pinterest became the #1 driver of traffic to my blog and e-commerce business.

After working to optimize my account and content for Pinterest, in just 7 MONTHS my Pinterest business account grew and grew…85% more impressions, 85% larger audience.

Pinterest became the #1 driver of traffic to my website, by A LOT.

Note: Impressions numbers are not the most important thing on Pinterest. With my own account and with clients’ accounts, I strive for clicks and saves. These are people taking action, clicking to go to your site or saving something to refer to later. These are the numbers that lead to conversions and sales. I am sharing the impressions data here because I want you to see how working on your account the RIGHT way will allow more people to see your content.

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So, if I haven’t convinced you yet, I want to share the reasons I think all small businesses should be using Pinterest as part of their Marketing Strategy to grow their audience and drive traffic to their website or blog.

pinterest marketing for business

Pinterest is a SEARCH ENGINE

People go to Pinterest to search for lots of things. For example, they go to:

  • collect ideas and inspiration

  • solve a problem

  • research a solution for a pain point

  • find a product they have been searching for to purchase

Pinterest is a place where people go to find what they need to solve a problem. It is a visual space where eye catching content draws them in and helps them with their purchase decision or a solution to their problem. It is easy for the user who can quickly find what they are looking for. And if your content is optimized for Pinterest, YOU will be found in their search.


Pinterest Analytics

Business accounts on Pinterest have the benefit of amazing built in Analytics. Pinterest Analytics tell you what people are looking at, what they like, what they don’t like, how many times someone clicks or saves one of your pins. This information is incredibly powerful in helping you plan your content to appeal to your audience and get them over to your website or blog. And speaking of your audience, Pinterest Analytics helps you understand who that is…age, gender, location and what your audience is looking for on Pinterest! This is an incredible tool to help you grow your audience and drive people to your small business!

The Numbers

I recently read that in mid 2020, Pinterest had more than 400 million monthly active users! WHAT???? Those are all people that you have the ability to get your small business in front of. This is an incredible way to spread the word about your small business, drive traffic to your website, grow your audience and ultimately sell more.


Hustling for Followers isn’t Required

Unlike social media platforms, the number of people who follow you does not determine how many people see your content. If you have optimized your business account for Pinterest and you have optimized, quality content, you will be seen in search. Even if someone isn’t following you. Amazing right?

Followers are amazing and yes, you should be happy when you increase your numbers. This will happen as you add more quality content. People will want to follow along. BUT, while you are building that following of people who automatically see your content, rest assured that with optimized content and account, your content can still be seen with even a few followers.


Those are just a few reasons why I believe everyone should be using Pinterest as part of their Small Business’ marketing strategy. With an optimized account and quality content, you WILL see results. It’s that easy!

I have found Pinterest to be an amazing tool for increasing my audience and driving traffic to my business and blog. I hope I have been able to share a few reasons why you should give it a try as well. I am confident you won’t regret it.

If you want to learn more…check out these other blog posts:

  1. Do I Need a Pinterest Business Account?

  2. How to Create Scroll Stopping Pins

  3. Pinterest for Online Shops

If you are interested in learning more about how to use Pinterest for your shop or business, you can sign up for FREE Workshop below. I share how to optimize your shop or website and Pinterest Account. Learn how to grow your audience, increase your online visibility and grow sales using Pinterest.

Happy Pinning!


My Favorite Tailwind Tools for Pinterest Marketing