How To Create Scroll Stopping Pinterest Pins for your Online Shop


In this blog post, I will share tips to create scroll stopping pins for your shop and products. If you are here, I think you probably know you should use Pinterest Marketing for your Online Shop Website or Etsy Shop. And you want to learn a little more. You know Pinterest is a great place for your ideal customer to find ideas and products and that you should be pinning your products on Pinterest too so that you can be found there. But you wonder, how DO people create those beautiful eye catching, scroll stopping Pins? Do you think to yourself, I can’t make those pretty pins, I’m not tech savvy! Or…You don’t want to pay a Graphic Designer! Am I right? Close to right? Stick with me, I am going to help you with tips so you absolutely CAN create your own pins!

Get More Traffic To Your Shop.png

In this blog I am going to share easy tips to create your own product pins that will drive more traffic (aka shoppers) to your online shop or Etsy Shop!

No Tech or Graphic Design Experience Needed!

First I want to share a little insight into my background. Because, like you, I started my online entrepreneurial journey as an online shop owner (and by the way, I am still an online shop owner!). My role as a Pinterest Specialist and Consultant started as a result of everything I have learned as an online shop owner, and I am here to share that with my fellow online shop owners.

I very quickly learned that when starting an online shop there is ALOT to learn! So I studied, took courses and read everything I could. One of the BEST things I did during this learning phase was to take a beginner’s Pinterest Marketing workshop. I, like many, used to feel like Pinterest was for party and wedding planning and pretty pictures of lovely homes. I had no idea what it could (and would) do for my online shop sales.

Fast forward a couple months and I had optimized my online shop website and created a well optimized Pinterest account. I learned in my Pinterest course how to write pin descriptions, how to create boards, when to pin among other things. It has been about a year since I really started using Pinterest to market my products and as of the day I am writing this, my Online Shop’s Pinterest Account has had over 800K views THIS MONTH! TRUTH! I want to help you see these same results. It is very doable and if you follow along, I will continue to teach you lots of great Pinterest Tips to help you use the power of Pinterest Marketing for your online shop too!


First, I am going to share one really important piece of the Pinterest puzzle - easy DIY instructions to create beautiful scroll stopping pins for your shop and products.


When you start sharing your amazing products with your ideal customers on Pinterest you will grow your audience and drive more traffic to your online shop! Guess what that means? MORE SALES!


Here we go….this isn’t hard! I promise.

Step One - Sign up for a FREE Canva Account

Canva ( is an amazing platform for creating lovely graphics including Pinterest Pins. You can create pins, instagram posts, fliers, ebooks, slide shows, so many things. Let me get one thing out of the way…I am not an affiliate, this is a free platform, I use it for so many things - including Pinterest Pin Creation. I think of it as plug and play, drag and drop program. They offer templates for anything, you can change colors, fonts, image, text, etc. Simply drag your product image in, add your text overlay, update to the colors you love and BOOM! You have a lovely product graphic ready for pinning to your Pinterest Business Account. Canva is going to save you time (it’s so easy to use) and money (it’s FREE).


I’m gonna to say it again….you do not need to be tech savvy or have any graphic design experience to create Pinterest Pins.

Step Two - Pick a Template and Start Creating

As I said, Canva offers lots of free templates for your projects. But, sometimes, I like to create my own. This is also easy and you really should try it! But, if you would like some help getting started, I offer four FREE Pinterest Templates in the Pinterest Essentials Email Course (you can enroll for that HERE). The templates included inside the course are designed with shop and Product Pins in mind. You just download the templates and get to work. The instructions are provided and it’s really so easy. (PS - The course includes 6 days of free tools for optimizing your shop and Pinterest account for your shop traffic. On the last day you receive pin tips and the free templates.)


Step Three - Your Pin Details

A few tips after you have started creating that Scroll Stopping Pins…

  • Image and Text Overlay - Make sure your image and the text overlay you use on your Pin are eye catching. You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your potential customer, so be sure to add a beautiful image and use text that will attract them to your pin. You want to show them what you are selling! Give them the best possible impression!

  • Call to Action - Tell your viewers what you want them to do…click here, enroll now, shop now, head to the sale!

  • Pin Titles and Descriptions - Create clear, keyword rich pin Titles and Descriptions. The Pin Title is what your potential customer will see right under your pin when they are searching and scrolling on Pinterest. Make sure you use words that appeal to your customer and clearly describe exactly what they are getting when they click on your pin. Create Pin Descriptions full of keywords as well. Both the Title and Description help Pinterest know who to show your pin to in search. The more clear, the better!

  • Link - Be clear where your Pin will lead them. To the shop? To your blog post? Just make sure your potential customers know what to expect when they click your pin.


Step Four - Your Images

Here’s a great tip that I don’t think everyone realizes…you should be creating images and Pinterest Pins that show your products in a variety of settings and views. When creating your Product Pins, I suggest you create up to 5 different Pins per product. Your Product Pins should show your product. I also recommend pins to showcase your shop as a whole. First some pin details about types of images/views of your products:

  • Close up showing the details of your product

  • Sides views of your products, show shoppers what your product looks like from all sides

  • Lifestyle - This is a big one! Show your product in a lifestyle or real life setting. Show your potential customer what your product will look like in their life. If it’s a home decor item, show it in a real home setting. If it’s digital, show it in use.

Use your images to really show your potential customers what they are buying. This will give them clarity in what they are purchasing and they will be more likely to buy! Keep in mind, different views appeal to different people so by creating a variety of pins, you are appealing to a wider audience!

Step Five - Types of Pins

You can create a variety of pin styles for your products and I recommend you try them ALL! Here are the types of pins to pick from:

  • Image only Pins - Show a great image of your product in action

  • Image with Text Overlay - Add some text over your image to tell your viewer a little about the image and what they will get when they click on it.

  • Plain Text - Sometimes you just want to get your message out without the distraction of a picture. Use your brand colors and some eye catching text for these.

  • Video Pins - Add a little movement or a video to your pins. Pinterest loves video and the movement will help stop someone mid scroll. It will catch their eye.

  • Story Pins - These are new and not everyone has them yet. When you get them, try them.

So, are you ready to start creating your own Scroll Stopping Pinterest Pins

for your Shop’s Products? YES!

You can do it! Use these easy tops for creating Pins for our shop and products and you will see an increase in your audience and more traffic to your website! If you have any questions, please send them my way!

Happy Pinning!


How to use Pinterest Marketing for your Online Shop


How to use Pinterest Marketing to Grow Traffic to your Etsy Shop