Why you need a Pinterest Business Account and How to Set It Up

I am often asked if businesses need a Pinterest Business Account if they want to use Pinterest Marketing for their online shop or business. The answer to that question is absolutely YES! If you would like to start using the incredible power of Pinterest to market your business and get that amazing Pinterest traffic, I am so glad you are here. I am going share why and how a Pinterest Business Account will help you with your Pinterest Marketing. AND, I will show you how to create or convert a Pinterest Business Account for your business!

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As I said, if you plan to use Pinterest to market your business, a Pinterest Business Account is a must. Not only is it required for you if you plan to share and conduct business on the platform, but also, Pinterest Business Accounts have access to features within Pinterest that basic personal accounts don’t have. Listed below are a few exclusive features available with a Pinterest Business Account.


After you claim your website and connect it to your Pinterest Business Account, Pinterest Analytics offered in a business account provide an incredible amount of data about your audience, your target customer and their activity on Pinterest. You will be able to track your reach, the size of your audience, clicks, saves and your target customer’s behavior! Pinterest Analytics tell you which of your pins are doing well and which aren’t. Pinterest Analytics will allow you to better plan and improve your Pins and all of your shop, blog or business’s content. Pinterest Analytics are an invaluable tool for any business.


Track Website Traffic

When you connect your blog, website or online shop to your Pinterest Account you can track the traffic coming from Pinterest. It is a great way to see how your pins are performing and how much of your website traffic is coming from Pinterest. This will help you strategize how to best use Pinterest Marketing for your business by tracking what is working best to drive traffic to your business site. More traffic means more new visitors and potential customers for your site!

Promoted Pins

A Pinterest Business Account also allows businesses to promote pins and run advertisements. Pinterest Ads are are not complicated and can be inexpensive. Each promoted pin is unique and custom designed by you. You have complete control over your target audience, the keywords you want to use and the amount you spend. Promoting pins will share your pins with an even larger audience and will help grow your audience and help you drive even more traffic to your website. When people come to your site, they get to know you. If they are happy with what they see, they will stick around for more.

Rich Pins

Rich Pins and for shop owners, Product Rich Pins, add extra information to your pins and will update product information from your website. If something changes on your website, the Rich Pin updates to reflect that change. This is amazing for your shop’s product pins! It’s a huge help in keeping your product information current for shoppers on Pinterest.


Have I convinced you that a business account is the way to go?

A Pinterest Business Account is free and so easy to start. You have two options…you can either convert your existing personal account or start a new business account. In most cases, it is best to convert your personal account if you have one.

Option 1 - Converting your Pinterest Personal Account

If you have a personal account, you will want to convert it to a Pinterest Business Account. In most cases, it’s best to convert versus starting fresh. During the setup process, update your photo, create a keyword rich profile, claim your website and any social media accounts for your business. Fill in as much detailed information as makes sense for your business as you fill out your account settings and profile. Update your boards and delete or archive boards that aren’t relevant to your business. BUT, keep in mind, you want to humanize your account. So, keep some personal boards that make sense to your brand. The things you are pinning on these personal boards share a little more about who you are and let your customer get to know you better.

Option 2 - Create a New Pinterest Business Account

No personal account? No problem! Simply go to Pinterest and follow the prompts to sign up for a new account, making sure to select a Business Account. Just like you would do if you are converting your account, add your photo, create a keyword rich profile, claim your website and any social media accounts for your business. Fill in as much detailed information as makes sense for your business as you fill out your account settings and profile. Next, begin building your account by creating some boards relevant to your business and a couple to humanize you. The things you are pinning on these personal boards share a little more about who you are and let your customer get to know you better.


I am hopeful that this outline of the benefits of a Pinterest Business Account has been helpful information. If you like what you have read, please Pin one of the optimized images here so you can save it and return to reference this information later. And, please sign up for our newsletter if you would like to receive more Pinterest tips!

Looking for more information about Pinterest for your small business? Head over to my blog post about Pinterest for Small Business.

Happy Pinning!


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