6 Tips To Start Using Pinterest For e-Commerce To Build An Audience And Increase Sales

Pinterest for E-Commerce offers an opportunity to increase traffic to products. In the blog, learn out how to start using Pinterest for your e-commerce shop, and use these 6 tips to get started.

Create a Pinterest Business Account

When using Pinterest for Business, you will need to open a Pinterest Business Account (or convert your personal account).

Why do you need a Business Account?

  • You will have access to Analytics and Customer Insights

  • You will be able to run ads

  • Pinterest requires you to have a business account if you are conducting business on Pinterest.

Image for blog about tips for E-Commerce Brands on Pinterest by Pinterest Expert Cathy Heflin.

Research and Apply Pinterest SEO

As a search and discovery platform (i.e. search engine), Keywords and SEO are a very important part of your business' success on Pinterest.

Do extensive keyword research in your niche and for your specific business. Use your keywords throughout your account and on your pins.

Where can you find your keywords?

My favorite places to research Pinterest keywords are:

  • Pinterest Search Bar

  • Pinterest Trends Tool

  • Google Search

Type in your topic or a word to describe an offer and see what Pinterest and/or google suggest. The words that are showing up in the drop-down are related keywords. Also take a look at:

  • the pins that show up when you do the search.

  • the titles and descriptions on pins that show up when you do the search.

  • the titles to google results.

  • the other related searches at the bottom of the search page on google.

All of these places will give you ideas for keywords that will work for your business. These are the commonly searched words and phrases around the content you are creating. Knowing and using these works will help you show up in search.

image for a blog about e-commerce brands on Pinterest from Pinterest Expert Cathy Heflin.

Where do you use your keywords?

  • Throughout your Pinterest Account on Boards, Titles, Profile, etc.

  • On your Pins on Text Overlay, Pin Titles, and Pin Descriptions.

  • On your website in blogs, product titles and descriptions and anywhere it is appropriate to add a description (i.e. alt text and image descriptions)

Optimize your Website

It is important that you optimize your website for Pinterest. A few tips to do this include:

  • Clear keyword-rich product titles and descriptions.

  • Easy navigation on your website.

  • Clear return and shipping policies.

  • Easy to access customer service.

  • Add a "Pin It" button to allow visitors to easily pin your content to their Pinterest account.

  • Include optimized pin images on your blog posts for easy pinning by readers.

Optimize Your Pinterest Account

The basics

  • Apply your keywords throughout your Pinterest Account on Boards, Titles, Profile, etc.

  • Include relevant boards for your content. Add boards that you will be able to pin to consistently. Your account should include helpful information for our ideal client.

  • Create optimized pins for your content.

  • Optimize your website with keywords in blogs, product titles and descriptions and anywhere it is appropriate to add a description (i.e. alt text and image descriptions).

Image for a blog about Pinterest For E-Commerce Brands by Pinterest Expert Cathy Heflin.

Get to Know Pinterest's Shopping Features

Pinterest offers shop owners lots of unique features like:

  • The Verified Merchant Program

  • Adding Product Catalogs to a Shop Tab on your profile

  • Advertise collections and individual products.

  • Add a "pin it" button on your shop site and to product images and listings which will allow visitors to save your product for later. When they save your product on Pinterest, their followers can see your product too.

  • Use Product Tagging and Collections to showcase specific products on your posts.

Apply for the Verified Merchant Program

The Verified Merchant Program from Pinterest was started during the early part of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic as more and more people started shopping online and searching for information and products on Pinterest.

It is a free program from Pinterest. Online Shops apply, will be reviewed by Pinterest and will be included if they meet certain specific criteria. Pinterest’s intent is to help shoppers find and buy from trusted shops. Once accepted into the program, shops will receive a blue verified merchant check on their home page. The idea is to give shoppers confidence that they are shopping with a trusted brand.

For more specifics about applying for the Verified Merchant Program, CLICK HERE to read more.

Connect your Shop Catalog

When you connect your catalog to Pinterest, users are able to find your listing via search right on Pinterest. These products will be included on a Shop Tab on your Profile for easy shopping by interested customers. AND, your products can show up in searches as well.

Consider Investing in Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads can help you grow your e-commerce business in several ways. With over 425 million active users on Pinterest, every month looking for answers to questions and products to buy, using ads can help you get your content in front of them.

Ads can be used to grow brand awareness, increase traffic, grow your email list or make conversions and sales. There are many possibilities and Pinterest Ads can be used at varying budgets.


There are a lot of opportunities for e-commerce businesses to grow their traffic and sales with Pinterest Marketing. Follow along with the 6 easy tips here to get started.



How to add Product Tags and Affiliate Links to Pinterest Pins


The Pinterest Trends Tool - How to Use it for Keyword Research and Content Planning