The Pinterest Verified Merchant Program for e-Commerce Brands

This blog outlines how to get verified and sell more online with the Pinterest Verified Merchant Program.

If you are an e-commerce brand selling products online and are interested in selling those products using Pinterest Marketing, then you should read on and learn more about the Pinterest Verified Merchant Program. The Verified Merchant Program from Pinterest was started during the early part of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic as more and more people started shopping online and searching for information and products on Pinterest. In this blog post I am going to share some information about the Pinterest Verified Merchant Program, what it is, how to apply and how it’s another way to increase your selling potential on Pinterest!

Verified Merchant

As Pinterest has made updates this past year, many of those changes have involved adding tools for Shops!

What is the Verified Merchant Program from Pinterest?

It is a free program from Pinterest. Online Shops apply, will be reviewed by Pinterest and will be included if they meet certain specific criteria. Pinterest’s intent is to help shoppers find and buy from trusted shops. Once accepted into the program, shops will receive a blue verified merchant check on their home page. The idea is to give shoppers confidence that they are shopping with a trusted brand.


Why you should apply to be a Verified Merchant on Pinterest

  • You will receive the Verified Merchant Badge on your profile. This little blue check will tell your customers and viewers that you are a trusted and vetted shop. This will help your shop stand out in the crowd! A badge will appear on your profile and product Pins.

  • Your products are eligible to be part of the visual search and related pin searches. This helps new customers find you as they are looking for products and solutions. I often say Pinterest shoppers are searching for a type of item, not necessarily a name brand item. So, if your product falls into a category or look someone is seeking, you can be seen through visual search and related pins.

  • Your products will be eligible for distribution to a greater audience when you are a Verified Merchant.

  • If you are a smaller shop, the addition of the Verified Merchant Badge may give your brand an extra boost. The fact that you have been vetted and approved by Pinterest could give shoppers the confidence to buy from you.


How to apply to be a Verified Merchant on Pinterest

You have to meet some pretty specific criteria to be accepted into the program. So, make sure to follow the rules outlined by Pinterest. The complete list of guidelines is linked below. I also recommend you have an active optimized Pinterest Account before getting started. Spend some time cleaning up your profile and boards and make sure you are consistently pinning.

verified merchant program

Before you apply:

  • Claim your Website on Pinterest

  • Connect your Shop’s Catalog to Pinterest. This will allow Pinterest and your shop to talk, keeping your products and Pinterest Shop up to date and accurate on Pinterest.

  • Install the Pinterest Tag - You can either follow Pinterest’s process to install the tag or use an outside tag manager. If you are a Shopify user, you can install the Pinterest App directly on your site and it will install the tag for you.

  • Meet the criteria for Verified Merchants (see below for an overview). Follow along the Pinterest Merchant Guidelines closely to make sure your website and shop meets Pinterest’s Merchant Guidelines .(sending you over to Pinterest for the details because I want you to have the latest and greatest details).

    During their review, Pinterest will check very carefully that you have met their guidelines. This can include product descriptions, email address, your customer service policies, product photos, prices, your return policy policy and clear shipping information. Note: There are several types of products you may not sell on Pinterest, including alcohol, tobacco and more, refer to the guidelines for the full list.

Once you have completed the list above and reviewed your online shop to be certain you are meeting the Merchant Guidelines, you will be able to apply to be a Pinterest Verified Merchant. You will find an invitation to join in your Business Hub, OR CLICK HERE to apply.


What Happens After You Apply

You will receive a notice from Pinterest about whether you are accepted or not into the Verified Merchant Program.

If you aren’t Accepted to the Verified Merchant Program

If you aren’t accepted, it’s time to go back and double check all of the guidelines. For example, check your product descriptions (do you have spelling errors), your returns policy (is it clear), are your products up to date, are the images on your site clear, etc. Carefully review each of the guidelines.

Other reasons brands are rejected is because they have not met some basic brand criteria such as (but not necessarily limited to) an inactive social media accounts, not matching social media and business names, your connected account doesn’t match your shop website.

I am going to be honest, it’s not always easy to get Verified Merchant Status on Pinterest. BUT, most of the time, the reason a business doesn’t receive it is because they haven’t carefully reviewed and updated their shop to meet the guidelines. If you are turned down, go back and review the steps above and the guidelines. And then, try again!

I really believe it is worth a try! Pinterest is becoming more user friendly for Online Shops and I believed the Verified Merchant Status will help online shops grow even more! With over 400 Million active users on Pinterest, you want your shop to be there too, so those users can find you!

If you are interested in more tips for your online shop and Pinterest, watch my free workshop! It’s full of easy and actionable Pinterest Marketing Tips!


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