Pinterest Analytics 101 - A Guide to Understanding Pin Performance

The first time someone said something to me about looking at my analytics I looked around and was like, are you talking to me? I felt like I had so much to figure out in my new business and now I was supposed to look at these numbers to help me determine how well my business and pins were performing on Pinterest! I did my research, I learned as I went along. I want to help you jump ahead and get the easy basics here.

My goal in this blog is to take the overwhelm out of Pinterest Analytics by sharing the very basics of what to look for inside your Pinterest Analytics Dashboard. Consider this an easy Pinterest Analytics Guide. Knowing how to use Pinterest Analytics tools and what these numbers mean will help inform your decisions and strategy on Pinterest.

Why should we know about Pinterest Analytics?

If you want to be successful on Pinterest, it will help you to know your Analytics data and to understand your audience. Viewing and tracking your performance data on Pinterest will help you make informed decisions about the content you are creating and sharing on Pinterest. By seeing what is resonating with your audience, you can make better planning decisions.

Tracking Pinterest analytics ensures that you know what pins drive the most traffic, get the most saves, have the best conversion rate. When you know this information, you can then make smart decisions about what to offer and how to market your business to your audience.


What is the Pinterest Analytics Tool (or Dashboard)?

Pinterest Analytics is a tool that helps you understand the activity on your Pinterest Business Account. Analytics are available to Pinterest Business Accounts only and track impressions, saves, pin clicks, outbound clicks, individual pin performance, and more. Keep reading for more details about these Pinterest metrics.

How Do You Get Access to Pinterest Analytics?

You must have a Pinterest Business Account to have access to Pinterest Analytics. As soon as you have your business account set up, you will see the Analytics tab at the top of your business hub page. There is no fee for analytics access and you don't have to do anything special to request access.

What type of data is available in the Analytics Dashboard on Pinterest?

The Pinterest Analytics Dashboard offers extensive data about your account as a whole (all content including other people's content) as well as a breakdown of information about content from your claimed domain.

You are able to look at your data over custom time frames. Choose any range from a few days to as long as you have had the account.

As you scroll down the dashboard, you are able to view which boards are popular as well as a breakdown of popular pins and their specific metrics.

The Dashboard is quite comprehensive and easy to use.

An Easy Guide to Pinterest Analytics for Business.

How do you Access Pinterest Analytics?

When logged onto your Pinterest account (remember it must be a business account), do the following. This is how to see Pinterest Analytics for your account:

  1. Click Analytics

  2. Select Overview. The view you typically see is your overall account metrics (all content, yours, and others). You will see impressions as well as other engagement data.

  3. Just above the graph, you will notice a drop-down box that allows you to select the metric you would like to see. I will share a little more about the different metrics in just a minute.

  4. The graph gives a great visual representation of the trend for whichever metric you pick.

  5. On the left side, you can select the timeframe you want to view.

  6. On the left side, you can select if you want to see all content or your claimed domain's content (this will show you the best data for how your own pins are doing).

  7. On the left side, you can select if you want to see activity from organic traffic or paid traffic.

  8. You can drill the information down even further to the type of pin, type of devise people used, and more.

As promised, I am going to keep it basic, and knowing these steps will make it easy to access your Pinterest Analytics.

How do you view Pinterest Analytics on the app?

The instructions above are used to view your Pinterest Analytics on a Desktop computer. You can also view your analytics on the Pinterest App.

  1. Open your account on the App

  2. Tap your Profile image in the bottom right corner

  3. Tap the graph icon at the top

This will display your Analytics on the Pinterest App.


What are the metrics for engagement on Pinterest?

There are many metrics you can access via the Pinterest Analytics Dashboard.

One of the most important things you can do before diving into the data is to know what your key goal is on Pinterest.

Is it to drive traffic to your website, to gain brand recognition, to make sales, to build your email list? It can be any number of things and understanding your goal will help you pick the correct metric to review.

Analyzing and using your new knowledge to plan future content is HOW you will use your analytics.

Some popular analytics metrics that can be found in Pinterest Analytics:


The number of times your Pins or ads were on screen. Impressions tell you how often someone saw your pin(s) on the platform.

Total Audience

The total number of people who have seen or engaged with your Pins. If this number is lower than impressions it just means that the same person saw it more than once.

Saves (repins)

The number of times people saved your Pin to a board on their account. Saves help us know which pins resonated enough with someone for them to save it for later. Meaning, they saw value in the content.


The number of times someone engaged with your pin. This includes saves, Pin clicks, outbound clicks. Engagements will help you understand which of your pins received the most interest from viewers.

Pin Clicks

The number of times people tap on a pin or ad which leads them either on or off Pinterest. Pin clicks help you know which of your pins were eye-catching enough to stop someone during their scroll.

Outbound Clicks

The number of times people perform a click to go to a destination off Pinterest. This is a key metric to understand if your call to actions are working and that people want to learn more from you by heading off of Pinterest to learn more from you.

Top Pins

This section of the analytics shows you how your pins have performed for the chosen time period. This is a great way to study which pins are most appealing to your audience and what qualities of the pin you can use in future content.

Top Boards

This is a measure of which of your boards are receiving the most attention from your viewers. This is a great way to see what content is resonating the best with your audience.

I recommend looking at these metrics to get an idea of your account's performance. The metric you track the most will depend on your goal with your Pinterest Marketing. For example:

  • If you want people to visit your website, watch Outbound Clicks.

  • If you want people to see your content, look at Impressions.

  • If you want to grow your audience on Pinterest and track if your content is resonating with your audience, Saves are a great track.

The Dashboard is easy to use and you can create a large variety of Pinterest Analytics reports with the data

Pinterest Analytics for Businesses.  An Easy Guide to Pinterest Analytics.

What are the Pinterest Audience Insights?

In addition to tracking your account and pin metrics in Pinterest Analytics, Pinterest Audience Insights is a great tool to learn about the people viewing your content.

When logged onto your Pinterest account (remember it must be a business account), do the following:

  1. Click Analytics

  2. Select Audience Insights.

Now you can learn about your audience. You can see the most popular categories and interests of your audience. You can also track demographic information like age, gender, location, and devise type. Use this information to help plan your future content.

Are there other ways to measure your Pinterest Performance?

Yes, there are other analytics tools to help you learn more about how your content is performing on Pinterest. Tailwind Pinterest Analytics will share details about your pins. Google Analytics can help you dive deep into pin performance, account traffic, and popular content.

I hope this easy guide to Pinterest Analytics helps you to understand how to read your analytics and which metrics to look for. Start by deciding what metric will best measure your end goal on Pinterest (traffic, sales, growing your email list, brand awareness, etc). Then, follow this metric to understand how your content is performing and to help you plan for future content for your business.

Want to save this for later? Tap and save one of the optimized pins above. Happy Pinning!


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