How to Create Pinterest Pins that Get More Clicks

We’ve all heard about drops in numbers on Pinterest…what’s that all about? Well, let’s remember, online platforms like Pinterest will ebb and flow and we, as creators, need to be ready to move with them. In this blog I am going to give you some basic strategy tips to help you create pins for Pinterest that get more traffic and increase your reach!

Fresh Pins

This is a very popular term for Pinterest users. What does that mean to us? Ideally, it means fresh, new pins, that are pinning to new content (new URLs)! Not only should we be creating fresh pin graphics for our older content (which is totally fine in moderation), we need to think about creating new content to share. Give searchers more to learn and see from you on Pinterest. So, step one…start brainstorming about how you can create some brand new content to share with your audience. And then create some fresh pins for that content.

How to Start Creating Pinterest Pins that Get More Clicks!

How Pinterest Knows What to Do with your Pin

Pinterest reads your pin visually. It reads your image, your text overlay, your title and your description. It also takes note of which boards you are pinning to. These factors all play into how well your Pin is doing on Pinterest and how much reach and traffic your Pin receives! It’s crazy but the technology is incredible. So it is our job to help Pinterest understand what our Pin is all about so we can optimize Pinterest’s ability to share your pin well!


I have said this many times…do your keyword research! It is critical. Get on Pinterest and Google and see what actual people are searching for. What are their problems? What are they wanting today? And what words are they using to find that thing? Those are your keywords and keyword phrases for that content.

Keep a keyword bank! I suggest you create an easy spreadsheet. Make columns for your boards, blog posts, podcast topics, etc. - whatever you are researching. Start filling in the words and phrases that are used for that topic. Then use these keywords on your pins and in your content.

Take the time to do the research. Figure out what people are searching for and how you can adapt your content to help them.

Creating Pins that Get Reach and Clicks

After you have done fresh content creation and keyword research, start creating your fresh pins. Here are my tips for creating clickable fresh pins:

Pin Image

  • Use a clear, eye catching image. (PS my shop friends…if you sell products, try showing several views of your product (including lifestyle shots!).

  • Use your brand colors where you can.

  • Create clear and easy to read text overlay (no fancy script here please). Use your keywords in your text overlay. Be clear and direct. Let viewers (and Pinterest) know what the Pin is about and what it leads to when clicked.

  • Have a clear call to action. Do you want them to click, read more, sign up?

  • Include your name, website or logo! You want to build brand recognition.

Pin Title

Pin titles must include the keywords you are using for that piece of content. Be deliberate when you pick your titles. Use words that clearly explain to your viewers and Pinterest what the pin is about and what can be expected when the viewer clicks on the pin. Remember, Pinterest is reading your pin to understand what it is about. Help Pinterest understand so it will show it in appropriate search results.

Pin Description

Similar to Pin Titles, it’s important to be clear and deliberate when choosing what information to include in your Pin Description. While viewers may not always read it….Pinterest will. I suggest at least one or two sentences introducing your content (blog, podcast, recipe, product). Fill the space with a clear description and USE YOUR KEYWORDS! Again you want to make sure that when Pinterest reads your description, it is clear what your pin and destination content is about so that it shows your Pin to the appropriate searchers.

Create Pinterest Pins that Get More Clicks

Board Names and Description

When creating Boards on your Pinterest Account, the name of the board and the board description are an important part of helping Pinterest understand what your pin and content are all about. Board Names should include your keywords and should clearly identify what searchers will find in the board. While interesting or fun names can seem appealing and creative, they really don’t help Pinterest send people your way. Board Descriptions are also very important. Be sure to use a keyword rich board description that helps Pinterest understand what the board includes. I recommend filling the space completely with information and keywords related to the board.

Board Selection

The board(s) selected for each pin are important in helping identify what your pin and content are about. While we all like to share our pins to as many boards as possible to attempt to increase our reach, keep in mind that the quality of the board selection is more important than the quantity. Pinterest is reading where you pin as way to understand more about your pin and the associated content. Be sure to be intentional about the boards you pin to and pick only boards that are relevant to your content.

Create Pins for Pinterest That Get More Traffic and Increase Your Reach

Fresh URL and Fresh Pins

While we love Pinterest for its ability to share our content for years and years, new fresh content and pins are key to growing reach! I know it seems like one more thing to do for a busy business owner but being your creative self and sharing your knowledge and expertise in new content will show Pinterest that you are active and engaging in the platform. So, I recommend adding fresh blog posts, video, podcasts as often as you are able. And then add fresh, new pins for your new content. Pinterest wants new creative ideas, unique perspectives and interesting posts.

Fresh Pins also apply to your evergreen content. It’s also a great idea to create new fresh pins for older content. But, don’t let this be your only fresh content…make sure to share new information as well.

Pin Variety

The last tip I am going to share is to encourage you to try different types of pins. Try them all if you can, video, static, text overlay, image only…Different pin types appeal to different people so test different styles. Story pins aren’t available everywhere, but try them when you get them. Enjoy it, be creative and test what works for your business.

In Conclusion

While it can be frustrating when things change, we just have to be flexible, test and work on new ideas. I hope the tips shared in this blog inspire you to make some updates and start brainstorming about what you can do to create pins for Pinterest that get more traffic and increase your reach!


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