How to Use Pinterest Marketing for Shopify Stores

You have heard that Pinterest is an incredible traffic driving tool. Pinterest is at an all time high for visits from online shoppers. How can you take advantage of all of these Pinterest shoppers and drive more traffic to your Shopify store? In this blog I will share tips for how you can start using Pinterest Marketing for your Shopify shop.


Let’s review a few things

Pinterest is a Search Engine, people come to Pinterest to find solutions to problems, answers to questions and products to purchase. It is the perfect place to share your brand and introduce your shop and products to new customers.

Shoppers searching Pinterest are making general searches. They are not seeking out brand names, they are looking for specific solutions and products vs. name brands. So, when shoppers search for items that you offer, if you have done your keyword research (more below) and are pinning regularly (more below), those shoppers will find YOU!


Getting Started - The Basics of Pinterest for Business

Before we dive into the details of Shopify and Pinterest Marketing, let’s talk about some Pinterest for Business basics. The first steps to setting your Pinterest Account up to work well with Shopify include:

  • Pinterest For Business Account - The first thing to do when starting Pinterest Marketing for your shop is to create a Pinterest Business Account (or convert your personal account). Not only is it required if you plan to share and conduct business on the platform, but also, Pinterest Business Accounts have access to features within Pinterest that basic personal accounts don’t have such as access to analytics and promoted pins.

  • Claim your website on Pinterest - In order to connect your account to Shopify and to get access to analytics for the Pins you publish from your shop you will need to claim your website. Follow the instructions in settings under the claim tab. You can also claim your other social accounts here as well.

  • Keyword Research - Do your research. A well thought out keyword strategy will pay you back over and over. Use your keywords throughout your Pinterest Account - in your profile, board titles and descriptions and your pins. Your keywords will allow you to be found in search.

  • Optimized Pinterest Account - Start with your profile, make sure you are using an identifiable logo or picture of yourself. Use your keywords in your account description and tell your viewers what you do and what they can expect from you and your shop. Optimize your account by using your keywords as outlined above in your board titles and descriptions and follow best practices in your pins.

  • Fresh Pins - Pinterest loves fresh pins! Create fresh, new pins for your products. This means every so often, it’s recommended that you create a new batch of pins for your current products. The fresh pins will bring new circulation on Pinterest for your products. Make sure you are following best practices for size, orientation, text overlay and image type when you are creating pins. Pinterest suggests pins be vertical in orientation, size ratio of 2:3 (1000 pixels x 1500 pixels), use clear, eye catching text overlay and clear, relevant images. Also, remember that lifestyle images are very successful on Pinterest!


Pinterest and Shopify

Now onto what you came here for (although what you read above is critical to success with Pinterest and Shopify). Let’s talk about Pinterest and your Shopify Store!

Pinterest continues to add features that are friendly to shop owners. Shopify shop owners are having great success marketing and selling their products on Pinterest. From Shoppable Pins to easy uploads of your product catalog, Pinterest and Shopify are a great combo!

Connecting your Pinterest and Shopify Accounts

Shopify and Pinterest made it extra easy when they introduced the Pinterest App for Shopify. Available on Shopify, when you install the Pinterest App on your Shopify store, the App will help to connect Pinterest and your Shopify store. It will:

  • Upload your product catalog.

  • Install the Pinterest Tag which will allow you to track the performance of your ads.

  • Enable Product Rich Pins. Your product pins will contain updated product data that is pulled directly from your shop site.

Once you have successfully installed the Pinterest App, your data will flow automatically ensuring a smooth partnership between your Pinterest Account and Shopify Store. Note: If you don’t have access to the App yet, there are specific coding instructions available from Pinterest and Shopify to help you connect the two.

The Verified Merchant Program on Pinterest

The Pinterest Verified Merchant Program was started during the early part of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic as more and more people started shopping online and seeking information and products on Pinterest. It is yet another way to increase your selling potential on Pinterest!

So, what is the Verified Merchant Program? It is a free program from Pinterest. Shops apply, will be reviewed by Pinterest and will be included if they meet certain specific criteria. Pinterest’s intent is to help shoppers find and buy from trusted shops. Once accepted into the program, shops will receive a blue verified merchant badge on their home page. The idea is to give shoppers confidence that they are shopping with a trusted brand.

I suggest applying if you meet the criteria for a Verified Merchant. There are very specific rules for merchants to follow but it is worth working through the process. The extra boost of confidence this gives shoppers is very helpful to shops.


What to Pin

Products and Related Content

Yes, you can decide to pin only your own products! However, is this the best way to attract new customers and drive traffic to your store? Probably not.

What I am suggesting is that in addition to pinning your products and store info, consider sharing other relevant content with people searching for information related to what you are selling. Sometimes people are searching for a solution to an issue and not actually shopping, you may have a blog post with some information that helps them and while there they notice your shop (which is full of related products that can help with their needs). Had you not pinned about your blog, they may not have found you. Relevant blog content can help potential ideal customers find your website to read the blog and learn from you, and while there, discover your products. So consider adding a blog to the content you are pinning on Pinterest. It could bring you even more traffic that may not have found you had you only been pinning your products.

Your Product and Pin Details

  • Remember, Pinterest is a Search Engine. People will be typing in words in phrases to find what they are looking for. So when you are creating your product pins, use commonly searched terms, your keywords, when naming and describing your products on Pinterest. Be careful when using unique or uncommon terms when you are pinning your products. This could limit how often you are found in search if the words you use are not popular search terms.

  • Your Pinterest Account should include a mix of information, not just your own pins. When starting out, I recommend a mix of 80% others’ content and 20% yours. As you create more of your own content, you can change this ratio. I often get the question, why am I pinning other people’s information. Why am I advertising for other people? The idea is to create a mix of pins that compliment your shop. You don’t have to pin your direct competitors but, you want to provide information that your ideal customer be interested in. You are curating a feed and collection of boards with content that is attractive and helpful to your idea customer.

  • When it comes to your pins and images, don’t just show your product on a blank background. Show a variety of shots and always include some lifestyle shots. If you sell t-shirts for example, we want to see people wearing it, not just a picture of the shirt alone. Pins with lifestyle images will have much more success than a plain product pin. Remember, people are looking for inspiration and ideas. Show them how to use your product and what it looks like in real life.

  • Pin variety is important. I suggest you try some of the new features on Pinterest, like video and story pins (if they are available where you are). These pins are eye catching and cause people to stop and look.


What’s Next

You are ready to go! Your Pinterest Account is optimized and you have connected your Shopify Store. You are set up for Pinterest Marketing success and lots of new passive traffic from Pinterest.

It’s time to start using your Pinterest Account and start pinning. Pin fresh content consistently and be sure to continue to curate a feed for your ideal customers. If the idea of daily organic Pinning is overwhelming, I highly recommend Tailwind to schedule your pins. Then you can hop on Pinterest and pin live a few times a week so Pinterest knows you are there and using it properly. You can read more about Tailwind in my blog post HERE.

Happy Pinning! Send questions or comment here if I can help!


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