Pinterest Marketing for Business Coaches and Service Providers

What types of businesses are marketing with Pinterest?

Before you ask can Pinterest really work for my Business Coaching or Service based business, I want to tell you ABSOLUTELY YES!  Coaches and Service providers are using Pinterest to grow their businesses with great success.

Pinterest is the perfect place to grow your audience and drive new traffic and leads to your business. It's no longer a place just for finding new recipes or planning parties and weddings. Lots of businesses are using Pinterest Marketing to grow and meet new potential clients.


As a business coach or service provider, what can I post and how can I help my ideal clients on Pinterest?

I'm going to answer this question right away since this is the most frequently asked question.  I don't want to make you wait! Everyone wants to know the things to pin on Pinterest!

Then I will explain more about certain content options, why you may want to choose them, some strategy tips, and more.

So go ahead, take a quick look at the list and then read on for more details.


Blog, Podcast, YouTube Content

Create pins leading to your blog, podcast, and/or YouTube Videos.  This one is obvious.  If you are sharing podcast episodes or YouTube Videos, I suggest you create a landing page on your website for these items.  Add a transcript and link for visitors to listen or watch.  This way, you can link your website on the pins, bringing more traffic and viewers to your home base.

I know not everyone is a blogger, podcaster, or YouTuber.  I encourage you to try to provide free content in this way but it's not the end of the world if you don't.  You just have to offer content in other ways.  Keep reading on and find out how.


    Lead Magnet, Opt-In, Freebie - Grow your email list

    Pinterest is a great place to meet new potential customers and invite them into your world.  It is a great place to grow your email list by pinning your lead magnet freebies and opt-ins. Pinterest is a great top of funnel place where you can meet people for the first time!


    Services - General Services/Offers Page

    Send searchers to your general service page URL.  They can get to know you there and see all of your services and offers. 

    Services - Specific Services Pages

    You can also send searchers to your specific services and offers pages.  By creating pins for specific services, searchers looking for exactly what you are offering can more easily find you.

    Landing Pages for Free Offers

    If you offer free content like a workshop, free course, or training, this is a great idea for pins.  Create pins to lead searchers to your free offers where they can get to know you and your business.

    Paid Products and Offers

    Create pins leading to your paid products.  This includes your evergreen workshops, digital products and other paid offers. 

    Your goal in pinning for your business is to invite people to take in your content so they can get to know you.  And they can eventually become coaching or service clients.

    About Me Page

    Help your potential customers get to know you by sending them over to your website about me page.  This is a great way to introduce yourself.  While there, these visitors may click around and check out the rest of your site and offers.


    Commonly Asked Questions about Pinterest from Coaches and Service Providers

    Now that I have shared the list of what to pin, I want to answer some commonly asked questions about using Pinterest as a Business Coach or Service Provider.  So let's dive.

    What specific goals do you want to achieve when using Pinterest?

    When you are deciding what to pin, it's important to think about your goals on Pinterest. 

    ·       Are you trying to build your website traffic?

    ·       Do you want to grow your email list?

    ·       Do you want to book clients?

    Knowing your goals on Pinterest will help you to decide what you want to pin.  And Pinterest can help you with this regardless of where your goal is in your sales funnel. 

    How would a coach or service provider benefit from using Pinterest in their business?

    Business Coaches and service providers are using Pinterest to grow their audience and find new customers.  People go to Pinterest to search for answers to questions, solutions to problems, and products to purchase.  Coaches and service providers can provide those answers! 

    By pinning to your blog, your freebies, your paid content, you are offering answers to the questions your ideal customer is asking.  This will allow them to get to know you and become potential future clients.

    By giving your ideal client a quick easy solution to their problems, they are going to trust you as a provider of quality information.

    How can I grow my email list with Pinterest?

    Pinterest is a great place to grow your audience and email list!  By bringing searchers to your website and offering free content and free offers, you can also invite them onto your email list.

    Lead Magnets, Freebies and Opt-Ins are great ideas for pins on Pinterest.  Offer a free item, related to your niche, something that solves the immediate problem for your searcher and they can join your list to receive it. 

    Once someone is on your list, you can nurture them, allow them to get to know you, and help them to consider purchasing a service from you.


    What if I don’t have a blog yet?

    I know not everyone is a blogger, podcaster, or YouTuber.  I encourage you to try to provide free content in this way but if you don't, you can still use Pinterest to grow your audience and leads.  You just have to offer content in other ways.  Head back up to this above for great ways to pin and attract searchers to your business. 

    What’s the best way to promote my YouTube videos or Podcast on Pinterest?

    I recommend that if you have a podcast or videos on YouTube that you create a landing page for these items on your website. 

    Since your goal is to invite people to your website to get to know you, having your Podcast and YouTube info on your home base or website is a great idea.  This way, you can link your pin to your website.

    For Podcasts, I suggest you create a landing page with a transcript of the episode and a link to listen.

    For YouTube, create a page that describes your video, perhaps add a short clip on the page and add the link to the full YouTube.

    What Types of Pins should I create on Pinterest?

    It's important to create a variety of pins for your content when pinning on Pinterest.  You should try different formats of pins for example:

    • Standard Pins - create standard pins with and without text overlay.  Use your Keywords on your text overlay.

    • Idea Pins - It is important to try Idea Pins.  They are getting a lot of engagement and will help you grow on Pinterest.  Try tips and lessons.  Think of them as a mini-blog.

    • Video Pins - Video is also important on Pinterest.  Try adding movement where you can.  This can be you teaching a lesson or showing something on a scrolling computer screen.  Get creative

    Strategy Tips for success on Pinterest?

    Set Your Pinterest Account Up for Success

    Start your Pinterest account out the right way!  This means setting it up for success including:

    • Create a Business Account

    • Claim your accounts - Website, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

    • Add Keywords throughout your account

    • Create great boards

    • Create eye-catching pin images

    Be Consistent

    It's important to show up consistently on Pinterest.  Consistent can mean 1 pin a day or 10 pins a day.  Do whatever works for you but be consistent and stick to that.

    Do your Keyword Research

    Keywords are critical for success on Pinterest.  Conduct thorough keyword research and use your keywords on your Pin Text overlay, Pin Title, Pin Description, and throughout your Pinterest Account on your profile, board titles, and board description.  For more information on Keywords, head over to THIS BLOG for lots of details.

    Fresh Ideas

    Pinterest wants us to create fresh content and pins.  What is fresh?  This means a new URL and new pin images.  So, no longer can we have great success by simply repurposing our old content.  We need to continue to offer fresh ideas and information.  Note: You can and should still pin from older evergreen content.  It's a great idea to create new fresh pins for older content to refresh it!

    Idea Pins

    Get creative and use Idea Pins.  These pins are intended to teach a full lesson or show a complete story.  Viewers are not asked to leave the platform.  Idea pins are helping businesses grow their engagement and following on Pinterest.  For more information about creating Idea Pins, head over to THIS BLOG.


    Video is increasingly more important on Pinterest (and all social media).  Consider adding video to your pins and Idea Pins.  Get creative, show your work in action, give great tips via video, show your work on screen.


    This is big! Pinterest is a long game.  It is important to be patient, stay consistent, and wait for your results.  It takes a bit of time for Pinterest to really start to understand your content and business, so give it time to get to know you so it can send you the right kind of searchers.



    Pinterest is a great place for Business Coaches or Service based business to grow their audiences and find new leads and sales. Coaches and Service providers are using Pinterest to grow their businesses with great success.

    Follow along with the best practices and ideas here and please add questions below if you have any!  I am happy to help.


    A Guide to Pinterest Idea Pins


    My 4 Step Content Repurposing Workflow